
It’s a dangerous time for protest rights in the UK. The government has introduced a bill that would make it a criminal offence to conceal your identity at a protest. The crime and policing bill establishes an offence if a person conceals their identity within a specifically designated area. That is, an area where the police believe that a protest is taking place, or is likely to take place, and that involves, or might involve, the “commission of offences” (people breaking the law). These powers are preemptive and vague – how is the “likelihood” of a protest or offences determined? What…
The United States is producing affordable food using less energy, less water, and less land than at any time in history, all leading to less environmental strain. A new study warns Germany they need to be more like America soon. A new analysis found that pesticide pollution is spreading from the lowlands to the Black Forest and the Palatinate Forest. The academics advocate that pesticide use must be reduced in order to protect areas around fields, orchards and vineyards. The solution to that is modern pesticides rather than what EU green activists insist on, and more genetic engineering,…
During the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, as lockdowns were put in place by government, there was concern about the experts demanding the decisions. They were overwhelmingly not biologists and immunologists and doctors but were instead epidemiologists using numerical models and making projections with data in rapid flux. And, claims former Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak, dissent was banned. Few wanted to hear discussion about the mental health aspects of extended isolation on children, or missed doctor’s appointments and NHS waiting list backlogs so extensive that now patients take…


Farmers from Europe to South America have one large, fragile asset more important than all others. Their land. Specifically, a thin layer of topsoil that can readily wash away or be depleted.


The coronavirus pandemic has now spread to every country in Africa, hitting a continent already reeling from the worst plague of Desert


During the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, as lockdowns were put in place by government, there was concern about the experts demanding the decisions.


Freie Universität Berlin’s Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy Rising Star Fellowship Program is open to researchers who have completed a doctoral degree within the last four years.


W bosons, elementary particles that carry the weak force, one of the four fundamental forces.


The United States is producing affordable food using less energy, less water, and less land than at any time in history, all leading to less environmental strain.


Esca probo proprius refero. At capto incassum meus minim nibh pagus venio vulputate. Capto hos macto metuo minim odio scisco tego ymo. Duis ea incassum lucidus nimis pneum premo roto ut. Commodo diam feugiat minim nimis nutus qui vindico.


Forced contraception in exchange for aid is the solution. The problem is that there are too many of us. COVID-19 is nature’s way of dealing with the situation.