European advocacy groups are getting help from avowed communists such as Rob Wallace, Marxist conspiracy theorist and author of Big Farms Make Big Flu, in their fight against science. It may be a losing battle since coronavirus shows how important science and medicine are to the modern world. Italy is at 11,591 deaths and Spain has 7,340 but that is a tiny fraction of 100 years ago during the Spanish Flu.
Groups like Greenpeace and Corporate Europe Observatory are concerned that just when they had Europe convinced it should continue to reject GMOs and more effective pesticides, consumers have wondered if claims that organic food will prevent disease are not based on evidence. So they have pivoted from the science "being unclear" to advocating for local control of food and a patchwork of individual country regulations that would keep their competitors from being cost-effective. They suggest that more local organic farming will help prevent rationing, though labor is likely to be the shortage this summer and not the process behind the food.
Other anti-science activists have continued their claims that "industrial agriculture" caused the COVID-19 pandemic. The philosopher Vandana Shiva, PhD., and Alianza Biodiversidad have been leading the charge while suggesting masks and protective gear for healthcare providers will lead to a shortage of equipment for farmworkers applying pesticides.
Africa is no longer willing to have colonial attacks on science dictate their policies. Kenya wants helps against the locust swarms and refuse to have access to pesticide supplies hampered by continental elites. On the high end there is concern about widespread implications for wine, oil and fresh produce due to farm labor shortages.