August 27, 2020
Coronavirus is back in large numbers across Europe. Since governments began to lift lockdowns at the start of the European summer, positive cases of COVID-19 have been steadily increasing in countries that previously had the spread of the disease under control, including Spain, France, Italy and…
August 17, 2020
Children account for only a small proportion of confirmed cases of COVID-19 but it was unknown if this was due to low levels of testing. Now the answer is shown.
To compare disease trends in adults and children during the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic in England between January and May…
August 11, 2020
A recent analysis of economic data finds that organic farms are more profitable than conventional farms even though their costs for pesticides and labor are higher. The reason is primarily because buyers are willing to pay more.
They note that in 2016 the gross operating surplus of conventional…
August 7, 2020
It would be a brave person who tried to argue that the UK government, over the past several years, hadn’t shown a kind of systemic ableism in its attitudes towards and policies dealing with disabled people.
This ableism is reflected in wider societal and media-based discourses in the UK. Over the…
August 5, 2020
W bosons, elementary particles that carry the weak force, one of the four fundamental forces. have been observed in pairs from photon collisions in the ATLAS experiment of the LHC.
It confirms one of the main predictions of electroweak theory, that force carriers can interact with themselves, and,…
July 30, 2020
Robert Owen did so well under capitalism that he had the money to reject it, so the wealthy Scottish textile magnate devised a financial system around labor itself and "justice."
The National Equitable Labour Exchange sought to use prices based on the time it took workers to produce it.
As you…
July 28, 2020
Data for the continuum of care for the numbers of Hepatitis B and C diagnoses and those in treatment and care are lacking in most countries but what data are in show one thing clearly; 80 percent of people living with hepatitis B and C infections appear to be undiagnosed and that many of those who…
July 24, 2020
The UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires organisations to certify that they protect individuals in their organisations and supply chains from slavery anywhere along their supply chain, from raw material extraction to the final customer, for the purpose of service provision or production.The UK…
July 23, 2020
A new study seeks to understand why Russian women only make up 26 percent of students in Engineering, Technology and Technical Sciences undergraduate courses, 27 percent in Computer and Information Sciences courses, 31 percent of Mathematics and Mechanics, and 32 percent in Physics and Astronomy. …
July 21, 2020
Between 23 and 30 April 2020, one month after the lockdown was introduced in the United Kingdom, 17,452 people responded to the online survey out of a total study population of 42,330 used the 12-item General Health Questionnaire, which is a validated tool for measuring levels of mental distress,…